Opyce Blog

Energy efficiency trends 2023

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Some of the energy efficiency trends projected for 2023, especially in line with the goals of the 2030 agenda, are as follows:

  • Increased adoption of renewable energy: Solar, wind, and geothermal energy are expected to become increasingly accessible and used to a greater extent for electricity generation.


  • Increased use of electric vehicles: The use of electric vehicles is expected to increase due to the increased availability and reduced cost of lithium-ion batteries.


  • Efficiency improvements in buildings and homes: Implementation of measures to increase energy efficiency in buildings and homes will continue, such as installing solar energy systems and improving insulation and heating and cooling systems.


  • Focus on industrial efficiency: Industry is expected to work to reduce its energy consumption and improve efficiency by optimizing production processes and using energy more efficiently in its operations.


  • Transformations in transportation: The use of lighter and more efficient vehicles will be encouraged, as well as improvements in public transportation infrastructure to reduce congestion and fuel consumption.

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